2025 Trip Availability is Now Open! Book early for best availability and pricing.



12844 US 24/285 Buena Vista, CO 81211

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Our main rafting location is two miles south of Buena Vista, CO. It is your responsibility to be at your trip’s designated office at the scheduled check-in time. There are no exceptions to this policy so please remember to account for weather conditions, traffic, construction, etc. Please don’t hesitate to call if you have any questions.

Driving from Denver

Take Highway 285 South towards Fairplay. From Fairplay, continue on 285 South towards Buena Vista for about 40 minutes. As you drop into the Arkansas River Valley on 285 (you’ll see the peaks!), we are immediately across the Arkansas River Bridge on the left. Look for our big AAE sign and large log entryways. (Approx. 110 miles)


Driving from Colorado Springs

Take Highway 24 West out of Colorado Springs, following signs towards Buena Vista. Highway 24 will eventually meet up with Highway 285 South. Take a left at this junction towards Buena Vista. As you drop into the Arkansas River Valley on 285 (you’ll see the peaks!), we are immediately across the Arkansas River Bridge on the left. Look for our big AAE sign and large log entryways. (Approx. 90 miles)


Driving from Breckenridge

Take Highway 9 South (which is also Main St.) through Breckenridge towards Fairplay. In Fairplay, take a right onto Highway 285 South towards Buena Vista. As you drop into the Arkansas River Valley on 285 (you’ll see the peaks!), we are immediately across the Arkansas River Bridge on the left. Look for our big AAE sign and large log entryways. (Approx. 60 miles)


Driving from I-70

Take the Copper Mountain/Leadville exit off of I-70 (exit 195). Continue following Highway 91 South past Copper Mountain towards Leadville. Highway 91 South becomes Highway 24 South in Leadville. Follow 24 South through Buena Vista. Approximately 2 miles south of Buena Vista, turn left onto Highway 24/285 towards Colorado Springs and Denver. We are approximately ½ of a mile up on the right side. Look for our big AAE sign and large log entryways. (Approx. 60 miles)


Custom Driving Directions to Buena Vista Office

We look forward to seeing you at our Buena Vista office for an amazing rafting trip. To make your trip to see us easier please use our link to create your own custom directions, all you have to do is input your starting address.
