Camping Recipes

Camping Recipes

The Official Cooking Pot of Utah?
The Official Cooking Pot of Utah?

Well for Utah it is the infamous Dutch Oven.  Who knew states even had an “official cooking pot”? We were wondering how this ever came to be and believe it or not this is a fairly recent addition to all things officially Utah.  In 1997, the Utah State Legislature passed…

Rapids & Grub: Learn More About AAE’s Rafting Meals
Rapids & Grub: Learn More About AAE’s Rafting Meals

Indulge us for a moment as we engage in a little wilderness-based culinary fantasy… Sizzling bacon, golden hash browns, and piping hot scrambled eggs – a true cowboy breakfast-devoured beside the river at sunrise. Crunchy kettle chips and juicy watermelon served on the side of a delicious, customized wrap sandwich…