2025 Trip Availability is Now Open! Book early for best availability and pricing.



Book a Boat, It’s Easy As 1, 2, 3
Book a Boat, It’s Easy As 1, 2, 3

Colorado white water rafting trips are all about having fun, so finding and booking your adventure should be easy.  That’s why American Adventure Expeditions has made this as easy as possible. 1.  Pick Your River Run:  Which of our rafting trips suit your needs? Are you wanting a family friendly…

A Few Thoughts On Why Rivers Matter
A Few Thoughts On Why Rivers Matter

Rivers, like lakes and oceans, can often be {accidentally} taken advantage of and seen as permanent natural structures. We know that the steady flow of clean, fresh water is an essential element for vast ecosystems and the health and survival of millions of people, but their fragility can slip our…

The Cost of Whitewater Rafting
The Cost of Whitewater Rafting

When choosing a trip for you and your group, there are three primary factors to consider: Your desired level of adventure, your desired trip duration, and your location. Please use our Rafting Trip Finder or call our friendly, helpful staff 719-395-2409 and let us help you choose your perfect Colorado whitewater adventure.…

Hello world!
Hello world!

Welcome to AAE’s First Ever Blog!  This is Amber Kissack, co-owner of American Adventure Expeditions. As we jump feet first into a brand new decade, we’ve decided that it’s time for us to throw our hat into the ring of social media.  But we’re just simple outdoorsy people, unassuming and unapologetic, never conforming to ‘the man’…and certainly…

If you can’t take the heat…Get outta the kitchen!
If you can’t take the heat…Get outta the kitchen!

Entering our fifth year of ownership here at AAE, I’m not sure if we can still consider ourselves new business owners anymore.  Regardless, we continue to learn at an amazing pace.  The old saying ‘if I knew then, what I know now’ has never rang so true, as it has…

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